Team of experts
Liu Min
Chairman and General Manager, Ph.D.

Dr. Liu Min holds a Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering and an MBA dual degree from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He previously served as a Senior Lecturer at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and as a Visiting Professor at Beijing Normal University. His primary research focuses on water environment simulation and modeling. Dr. Liu has held various notable positions, including Chair of the Southern Division of the International Water Association (IWA), Chair of the IWA Young Water Professionals, and Executive Committee Member of the IWA China Division.

Currently, Dr. Liu Min is a Distinguished Professor at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology and a Distinguished Researcher at the Collaborative Innovation Center for High-Density Intelligent Urbanization at Tongji University. In 2016, he was selected as an Entrepreneurial Talent under the National "Thousand Talents Plan." He also serves as a government-appointed expert for several cities, including Jiaxing, Ulanqab, and Ningbo.


Dr.-Ing. Norbert Könemann is a contact person in the fields of water resources engineering, water management, hazardous substance storage, wastewater treatment, and mixed water treatment. He is a designated and sworn expert for IHK Kassel.

Ph.D., Academician

Professor, Academician of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech)

Dean of the Institute of Hydrodynamics, University of Stuttgart

Xia Jun

Director of the Key Laboratory of Water Cycle

Director of the National Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering

Dean of the School of Hydraulic Engineering, Wuhan University

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wang Ronghe
Chief Scientist

Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Former Professor at Tsinghua University and Tongji University, Pioneer in the field of CAD for water supply and drainage engineering in China, Core engine developer for software products in the USA

Su Yuming

Registered Engineer, Qualified Engineer/Foundation Member of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA), Deputy Director of the National Key Laboratory of Silica Sand Resources and Utilization, Maryland Research Institute Director, Senior Water Resources Project Engineer at Hach Group, USA.

Su Caijiang
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Smart City Expert

Chair of the Asia-Pacific Region for the Royal Academy of Engineering

Chair of the Smart Cities Industry Advisory Committee of IEEE in the United States

Chair of the Expert Committee of the Industrial IoT Industry Alliance in Qingdao

Previously led national smart city initiatives, IoT projects, data analytics engineering, and green data center research projects.

Fang Hua
Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Southeast University, Associate Professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Visiting Scholar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine

Primarily being engaged in scientific research and technological development in the fields of water pollution control technologies and theories, as well as new processes and equipment for water treatment. 

He has undertaken and participated in more than 20 research projects commissioned by national, provincial, and municipal governments, as well as various enterprises and institutions. 

Dr. Fang Hua has published over 30 papers in well-known domestic and international journals, including 9 papers indexed by SCI and EI, and has applied for more than 20 patents.

Xue Yu
Ph.D. and Master's Supervisor

Visiting Scholar of Michigan State University and Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor, School of Computer and Software Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Su Dehui
Licensed Engineer in the USA, Dual Ph.D. in Engineering

Earned Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering both in China (1992) and the USA (2003). 

Worked in renowned universities, research institutions, and engineering companies in China, Spain, and the USA.

Published over 30 academic papers.

Liu Heng
Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering

Ph.D., School of Communication and Information Engineering, Chongqing University
Visiting Researcher, Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics
Associate Professor, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, NUIST

Has published over 20 research papers, been granted 6 invention patents, 18 utility model patents, and 15 software copyrights. Has supervised undergraduate students in electronic-related competitions, leading them to win over 52 provincial or higher-level awards.

Yuan Xing

Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of NUIST

Dean, School of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Youth Scholar under the National "Overseas Talent Recruitment Plan"

Engaged in hydrometeorology research, including the development of high-resolution land-atmosphere hydrological models, seasonal to decadal hydrological ensemble forecasting, and attribution of extreme drought changes. Has led projects funded by the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China, Ministry of Science and Technology, and National Natural Science Foundation of China, among others.

Has published over 70 papers in journals such as Nature Communications. Serves on the editorial boards of academic journals including HESS, JGR-A, and Hydrology Research. He is also a committee member of the Hydrometeorological Branch of the Chinese Meteorological Society, the Hydrometeorological Branch of the Chinese Society of Hydraulics, and the Ecological Hydrology Committee of the Chinese Ecological Society.

Has received the Xie Yibing Youth Meteorological Science and Technology Award and the Tsinghua University-Inspur Group Youth Talent Award in Computational Earth Sciences.

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